TRANSVESTIA is dedicated to those who find pleas- ure and satisfaction in the possession and wearing of articles of clothing which are generally considered as belonging to the opposite sex.

In practice this usually means males who are in- terested in feminine apparel. Females interested in masculine apparel also exist, but their desires to ex- press themselves in this way are not frowned on very heavily by society and so they can satisfy their drive openly and be socially acceptable. Only last Dec. the papers were full of a young girl who had spent 3 or 4 months living as a boy and managed to get herself in jail as such. The sheriff of the county interested him- self in her and took her to live with him. The write up was nationally distributed and the general tone was that it was kind of cute and courageous for a girl to masq- uerade as a boy. The Editor is eagerly awaiting reports of any sheriff who has taken an interest in a young man found moving about publicly in pretty dresses and high heels. This would be a "Man Bites Dog" type of a story.

At the same time, among those males who are fascin- ated by feminine attire there are many types; the straight Eonist, the Fetishist who enjoys some special articles of clothing, the "Petticoat Punishment types and several others. The motives differ but the interests are much the same. All of these persons need an outlet to express their feelings and a medium of contact with others of similar persuasion.

For this reason stories, articles and letters from these various kinds of people will find their way into these pages. Some of you may wish that more of one kind of material or less of another should appear here. Since our pages must try to have interests to all types of TVs, the Editor urges the same tolerance and under- standing within the transvestic group as all of us would like to have accorded us by persons outside of our group LIVE AND LET LIVE is as good a motto for TVs as for any other group.

The Editor